I'm attempting to send print instructions to a Star TSP100 (TSP143LAN model) thermal printer over an ethernet connection.
I have no problem opening a raw data connection to the printer using it's LAN ip and port 9100, which is the port open for this purpose it seems, but once connected I'm unable to perform any actions, I suspect I'm using the commands incorrectly but I'm stumped as to how I'm intended to use them.
I found some documentation at http://www.starmicronics.com/support/Mannualfolder/linemode_cm_en.pdf which appears to be for the correct model, but their command references are vague.
So far I've attempted to use the plain text command (for example typing 'LF' and hitting return to feed a single line for example) without any result.
I also attempted using the obvious keys on the keyboard, in this example I used the "ESC" commands by pressing the ESC key on the keyboard followed by the accompanying character from the documentation, also without any result.
I've also sent the control characters as hex values, and as decimal values without any different results.
Some Star series printers can not be communicated with directly via command line, and must be used via their own software drivers.
The solution in this case was to emulate a COM port on the printer, which makes your communications filter through their drivers and thus work "out of the box".