i added navbutton to navigation and i wrote 'click' function on to it doesn't work first time . actually am adding button to navigation bar on that first click it was not working on second click it works how can i solve this
my xml code is
<Window id="aboutWin" name="aboutWinName">
<NavigationGroup id="navAbout" platform="ios">
<Window class="container" id="aboutChildWin">
<View id="aboutView">
<ImageView id="logoImg"></ImageView>
<ImageView id='logoWrd'></ImageView>
<Label id="versionLbl"></Label>
<View id="footView"></View>
and my Js code is
var button = Titanium.UI.createButton({
// title:"Back",
// top : 4.5,
height : 35,
width : 40,
// left : 4
$.aboutChildWin.leftNavButton = button;
if(Ti.App.currentAnimateWindow == "About")
Ti.App.currentAnimateWindow = "Menu";
else if(Ti.App.currentAnimateWindow == "Menu")
Ti.App.currentAnimateWindow = "About";
can any one solve this
i just make small change, insert of adding button to navigation window i add the navbutton to whole window.
code is :
$.aboutWin.leftNavButton = button;