Consider the following nested loops:
my %deleted_documents_names = map { $_ => 1 }
while(my ($key, $value) = each(%deleted_documents_names)){
if($document_name eq $key){
Now, I take a sample case where three values (A,B,C) will be compared against two values (B,C).
First scan:
A compared to B
A compared to C
Second scan:
B compared to B
Loop is terminated.
Third scan:
C is compared with C.
In this case, C should be compared first with B, being first value, but this comparison is skipped, and it only scans from the next element after the one that was found equal. If I remove last termination condition and let the loop run for total number of scans, then it works all fine, but I need to find out why in this case, $key refers to the next compared value and not to the first value once loop is restarted after getting terminated with last keyword.
Any help will be appreciated.
keys %deleted_documents_names ; # Reset the "each" iterator.
See keys.
But, why are you iterating over the hash? Why don't you just
if (exists $deleted_documents_names{$document_name}) {