I'm using TestFlight and I've got this macro to replace NSLog the the TestFlight remote logging equivalent.
#define NSLog(__FORMAT__, ...) TFLog((@"%s [Line %d] " __FORMAT__), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
I have just copy pasted this from the TestFlight website and now I'd like to create my own for a slightly different purpose.
I'd like to be able to type...
MyEventLog(@"Something happened.");
...and for it to interpret it as...
[[MyEventLogManager sharedInstance] newLogWithText:@"Something happened"];
I'm just not sure how the syntax works.
#define MyEventLog(message) [[MyEventLogManager sharedInstance] newLogWithText:message]
However you will find it useful to provide a varargs-version of that method, so you can pass it formatted text:
- (void)newLogWithFormat:(NSString *)format, ...
va_list va;
va_start(va, format);
NSString *message = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:format arguments:va];
[self newLogWithText:message];
// If not using ARC, then:
// [message release];
and use:
#define MyEventFormat(__FORMAT__, ...) [[MyEventLogManager sharedInstance] newLogWithFormat:__FORMAT__, ##__VA_ARGS__]