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Python - how to read/parse csv like line?

I have done some search but most answer is about reading a complete csv file and none of these is like the problem I'm facing.

I'm trying to read a file from net using urllib2:

request = urllib2.Request('http://.../tv.txt')
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
lines = response.readlines()
for line in lines:

The "line" format looks like these:

"ABC", "MN"
"ABC", "123", "10", "OPPA GANGNAM STYLE", "LADY"

As seen above, these lines are not actually CSV lines. The number of columns keeps changing.

Is there a way to split each line into a list? The desire result should be:

["ABC", "XYZ,MNO", "KLM"]
["ABC", "MN"]
["ABC", "123", "10", "OPPA GANGNAM STYLE", "LADY"]

I've tried using line.split(",") but it cannot split correctly because there is comma inside each pair of double quotes.

Please help me if you know how to. Thank you very much.




  • use the csv module, it does what you need.

    yourstring= '"ABC", "XYZ,MNO", "KLM"\n"ABC", "MN"\n"ABC", "123", "10", "OPPA GANGNAM STYLE", "LADY"'
    import csv
    import io
    class MyDialect(csv.Dialect):
        strict = True
        skipinitialspace = True
        quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL
        delimiter = ','
        quotechar = '"'
        lineterminator = '\n'
    b = io.StringIO(yourstring)
    r = csv.reader(b, MyDialect())
    for i in r:
        print len(i), ':',' @ '.join(i)