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How to connect hyperlink with our program

I have problem, i don't know how to connect hyperlink with my program. I want add to registry key until install which connect file extension with my program.

e.g. I have hyperlink on website which open file .xyz, and i wannna browser "open file as [my_program_in_c#]".


  • You need to create the following registry keys, perhaps during installation

    [] @=""

    [\OpenWithProgids] ""=""

    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\] @="Description of the extension"

    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\DefaultIcon] @="valid location of icon"

    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\atmelstudio.objproj.6.1\shell\open\command] @="[my_program_in_c#"

    or manually using this