I need to generate a license key with a given name, product title and an expiry date. If one of my customers buys my product and uses it, he has to enter this license key.
I tried so much methods and I have no clue how to achieve this in PHP. The key should be safe for reproduction. What would be the best way to create a license key encryption and decryption in PHP?
The below code may help you:
function encrypt($sData, $secretKey){
$sResult = '';
$sChar = substr($sData, $i, 1);
$sKeyChar = substr($secretKey, ($i % strlen($secretKey)) - 1, 1);
$sChar = chr(ord($sChar) + ord($sKeyChar));
$sResult .= $sChar;
return encode_base64($sResult);
function decrypt($sData, $secretKey){
$sResult = '';
$sData = decode_base64($sData);
$sChar = substr($sData, $i, 1);
$sKeyChar = substr($secretKey, ($i % strlen($secretKey)) - 1, 1);
$sChar = chr(ord($sChar) - ord($sKeyChar));
$sResult .= $sChar;
return $sResult;
function encode_base64($sData){
$sBase64 = base64_encode($sData);
return str_replace('=', '', strtr($sBase64, '+/', '-_'));
function decode_base64($sData){
$sBase64 = strtr($sData, '-_', '+/');
return base64_decode($sBase64.'==');
$secretKey; // Your secret key can be anything which you only know it. So no one easily decrypt through any tool. (recommended often change the $secretKey).