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Local development (invoking python <script>, port 8888) serves stale files

I had a similar issue when running fast-cgi and I was told there is no way to fix it: Files being served are stale / cached ; Python as fcgi + + nginx without doing custom work. I was told to use the python method, which invokes a local "web server" to host the python page.

Even doing that, the files served are stale / cached. If I make edits to the files, save and refresh, the python web server is still serving the stale / cached file.

The only way to get it to serve the modified file is to kill (ctrl+c) the script, and then restart...this takes about 5 seconds every-time and seriously impedes my development workflow.

Ideally any change to the script would be reflected next time the page is requested from the web server.


@Jordan: Thanks for the suggestions. I've tried #2, which yields the following error:

    app = web.application(urls, globals(), web.reloader)

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'reloader'

Per the documentation here:

I then tried suggestion #4,

web.config.debug = True

Both still cause 'stale' files to get served.


  • Understandably you want a simple, set it up once and never worry about it again, solution. But you might be making this problem more difficult than it needs to be.

    I generally write applications for an apache/modwsgi/nginx stack. If I have a caching problem, I just restart apache and voila, my python files are re-interpreted. I don't remember the commands to restart apache on all of my different boxes (mac's, ubuntu, centos, etc), and I shouldn't need to.

    That is what command line aliases are for...

    A python application is interpreted before it is run, and when run on a webserver, it is run once and should be considered stateless. This is unlike javascript running in a browser, which can be considered to have state since it is a continually running VM. You can edit javascript while it is running and that is probably fine for most applications of the language.

    In python you generally write the code, run it, and if that doesn't work you start over. You don't edit the code in real time. That means you are knowingly saving the source and changing contexts to run it.

    I am betting that you are editing your source from a Graphical IDE instead of a command-line editor like vi or emacs (I might be wrong, and I'm not saying there is anything 'wrong' with that). I only write iOS applications using an IDE, everything else I stick to ViM. Why? Because then I am always on the command line, and I am not distracted by anything (animations, mouse pointers, notifications). I finish writing my code, i quickly type ':wq' (write and quit), and then quickly type 'restartweb' (actually i usually type 're' then <\tab> to auto-complete) which is my alias to whatever the command to restart apache is. Voila my python is reinterpreted.

    My point is that you should probably keep it simple and use something like an alias to solve your problem. It might not be the coolest thing you could do. But it is what Ninja coders have been doing for the last 20 years to get work done fast and simple.

    Now obviously I only suggested a solution for apache, and I have never used before. But the same possible solution still applies. Make a bash script that goes in your project directory, call it something like restart.bash. In it put something like:

    rm -r *.pyc

    Which will recursively remove all compiled pyc files, forcing your app to reload. Then make an alias in your ~/.bashrc that runs that file

    Something like:

    alias restartproject="bash /full/path/to/restart.bash"

    Magical, now you have a solution that works everywhere, regardless of which type of web server you choose to run your application from.

    Edit: Now you have a solution that works everywhere but on a Windows IIS server. And if you are trying to run python from Windows, you should probably Stahp! hugz

    We are using virtualenv right? :) We want to keep our python nice and system-agnostic so we can sell it to anyone right? :) And you should really check out ViM and emacs if you don't use them... you will bang your head against the wall for a week getting used to it, then never want to touch a mouse again after that.