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How can I skip a "should" block/fragment in specs2?

Suppose I have a specs2 specification defined in the "unit" style as follows:

import org.specs2.mutable

class MyClassSpec extends mutable.Specification {
  "myMethod" should {
    "return positive values" in {
      MyClass.myMethod must beGreaterThan(0)

    "return values less than 100" in {
      MyClass.myMethod must beLessThan(100)

Is there an easy way to skip/disable/mark pending all of the examples within the should block/fragment for myMethod?

Obviously I can call pendingUntilFixed or return pending from each individual example in the block, but this would be rather tedious for a block with many specifications.

It seems like this would be a common occurrence if MyClass.myMethod is difficult to implement and gets punted. Is there another way that this is commonly done in specs2?


  • You can mix in the Tags trait and define any section you want:

    import org.specs2.mutable._
    class MyClassSpec extends Specification with Tags {
      "myMethod" should {
        "return positive values" in {
          MyClass.myMethod must beGreaterThan(0)
        "return values less than 100" in {
          MyClass.myMethod must beLessThan(100)

    Then you run your specification with exclude pending

    >test-only *MyClassSpec* -- exclude pending

    This is documented here.

    You can also use an implicit context to make sure that all your examples in the should block are PendingUntilFixed:

    import org.specs2._
    import execute._
    class MyClassSpec extends mutable.Specification { 
      "this doesn't work for now" >> {
        implicit val puf = pendingContext("FIXME")
        "ex1" in ko
        "ex2" in ok
      "but this works ok" >> {
        "ex3" in ko // maybe not here ;-)
        "ex4" in ok
      def pendingContext(reason: String) = new mutable.Around {
        def around[T <% Result](t: =>T) = 

    Update for specs2 3.x

    import org.specs2._
    import execute._
    class TestMutableSpec extends mutable.Specification {
      "this doesn't work for now" >> {
        implicit def context[T] = pendingContext[T]("FIXME")
        "ex1" in ko
        "ex2" in ok
      "but this works ok" >> {
        "ex3" in ko // maybe not here ;-)
        "ex4" in ok
       def pendingContext[T](reason: String): AsResult[MatchResult[T]] =     
         new AsResult[MatchResult[T]] {
          def asResult(t: =>MatchResult[T]): Result =