I'm trying to use APC with PHP. I've copied the code from the PHP manual for storing arrays in APC; and it works great, as I would expect.
My problem arises when I introduce a namespace when it fails.
namespace tester;
$objs = array();
$objs[] = "123";
$objs[] = "123";
$objs[] = "123";
apc_store('tester:objs', new ArrayObject($objs),60);
$tmp = apc_fetch('tester:objs');
print_r($tmp -> getArrayCopy());
Ahhhhh! I knew it would be something simple! I simple forgot to declare ArrayObject as a global namespace class. Adding a slash in front of ArrayObject worked. Silly me! :(
Working code:
namespace tester;
$objs = array();
$objs[] = "123";
$objs[] = "123";
$objs[] = "123";
apc_store('tester:objs', new \ArrayObject($objs),60);
$tmp = apc_fetch('tester:objs');
print_r($tmp -> getArrayCopy());