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How to write nested queries in select clause

I'm trying to produce this SQL with SLICK 1.0.0:

        products product
        right join products_categories productCategory on productCategory.productId = product.productId
        right join categories c on c.categoryId = productCategory.categoryId
        c.leftValue >= cat.leftValue and
        c.rightValue <= cat.rightValue
    ) as productCount
    categories cat
    cat.parentCategoryId = 2;

My most successful attempt is (I dropped the "joins" part, so it's more readable):

def subQuery(c: CategoriesTable.type) = (for {
        p <- ProductsTable

      } yield(
      for {
        c <- CategoriesTable
        if (c.parentId === 2)
      } yield(, c.title, (subQuery(c).asColumn))

which produces the SQL lacking parenthesis in subquery:

    select count(x3.productId) from products x3 
    categories x2 
   where x2.parentCategoryId = 2

which is obviously invalid SQL Any thoughts how to have SLICK put these parenthesis in the right place? Or maybe there is a different way to achieve this?


  • I never used Slick or ScalaQuery so it was quite an adventure to find out how to achieve this. Slick is very extensible, but the documentation on extending is a bit tricky. It might already exist, but this is what I came up with. If I have done something incorrect, please correct me.

    First we need to create a custom driver. I extended the H2Driver to be able to test easily.

    trait CustomDriver extends H2Driver {
      // make sure we create our query builder
      override def createQueryBuilder(input: QueryBuilderInput): QueryBuilder = 
        new QueryBuilder(input)
      // extend the H2 query builder
      class QueryBuilder(input: QueryBuilderInput) extends super.QueryBuilder(input) {
        // we override the expr method in order to support the 'As' function
        override def expr(n: Node, skipParens: Boolean = false) = n match {
          // if we match our function we simply build the appropriate query
          case CustomDriver.As(column, LiteralNode(name: String)) =>
            super.expr(column, skipParens)
            b") as ${name}"
          // we don't know how to handle this, so let super hanle it
          case _ => super.expr(n, skipParens)
    object CustomDriver extends CustomDriver {
      // simply define 'As' as a function symbol
      val As = new FunctionSymbol("As")
      // we override SimpleSql to add an extra implicit
      trait SimpleQL extends super.SimpleQL {
        // This is the part that makes it easy to use on queries. It's an enrichment class.
        implicit class RichQuery[T: TypeMapper](q: Query[Column[T], T]) {
          // here we redirect our as call to the As method we defined in our custom driver
          def as(name: String) = 
            CustomDriver.As.column[T](Node(q.unpackable.value), name)
      // we need to override simple to use our version
      override val simple: SimpleQL = new SimpleQL {}

    In order to use it we need to import specific things:

    import CustomDriver.simple._
    import Database.threadLocalSession

    Then, to use it you can do the following (I used the tables from the official Slick documentation in my example).

    // first create a function to create a count query
    def countCoffees(supID: Column[Int]) =
      for {
        c <- Coffees
        if (c.supID === supID)
      } yield (c.length)
    // create the query to combine name and count
    val coffeesPerSupplier = 
      for {
        s <- Suppliers
      } yield (, countCoffees( as "test")
    // print out the name and count
    coffeesPerSupplier foreach { case (name, count) =>
      println(s"$name has $count type(s) of coffee")

    The result is this:

    Acme, Inc. has 2 type(s) of coffee
    Superior Coffee has 2 type(s) of coffee
    The High Ground has 1 type(s) of coffee