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Cloudfoundry: VMC: Error 1317: Query execution was interrupted on mysqldump

It is quite important for me to dump the mysql database of my cloudfoundry deployment. I am working with cloudfoundry's vmc and connection to the service works well. However mysqldump always fails which puts me in an awful situation as I am essentially not able to dump the data to do local migration testing. The error presented by cloudfoundry / vmc is:

mysqldump: Error 1317: Query execution was interrupted when dumping table 'foo' at row: 28

It appears that this results from some setting in cloudfoundry that kills any query that takes longer than 3 seconds. See for instance

Is there anyway to change the configuration or make cloudfoundry ignore the 3 second rule for mysqldump? Any suggestions?

PS: This timeout has also shown to be very destructive if the execution of a migration takes to long.


  • depending on the quality of the connection between yourself and, these kind of timeouts can be an issue. It might be worth taking a look at a Ruby application I wrote to take routine backups of MySQL databases and upload them to a cloud service provider such as Amazon S3.

    Take a look at the repository at

    The set up is pretty straight forward but if you get stuck then let me know.