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How to get cv::calcOpticalFlowSF to work?

I am useing the 2.4.4 version of OpenCV. - i know its a beta but there is an example about cv::calcOpticalFlowSF the method in the example folder called: simpleflow_demo.cpp. But when i copy this demo and use it with my input images, it starts processing and after some seconds it came back a crash report. The documentation about the method is a little bit strange, saying the output files are a x- and yflow instead of the cv::Mat& flow which the method actually wants. Any ideas how to fix the problem to get the function working?


  • Try this simple demo that worked for me, then modify for your needs (display help from here):

    Mat frame1 = imread("/home/radford/Desktop/1.png");
    Mat frame2 = imread("/home/radford/Desktop/2.png");
    Mat flow;
    calcOpticalFlowSF(frame1, frame2, flow, 3, 2, 4);
    Mat xy[2];
    split(flow, xy);
    //calculate angle and magnitude
    Mat magnitude, angle;
    cartToPolar(xy[0], xy[1], magnitude, angle, true);
    //translate magnitude to range [0;1]
    double mag_max;
    minMaxLoc(magnitude, 0, &mag_max);
    magnitude.convertTo(magnitude, -1, 1.0/mag_max);
    //build hsv image
    Mat _hsv[3], hsv;
    _hsv[0] = angle;
    _hsv[1] = Mat::ones(angle.size(), CV_32F);
    _hsv[2] = magnitude;
    merge(_hsv, 3, hsv);
    //convert to BGR and show
    Mat bgr;//CV_32FC3 matrix
    cvtColor(hsv, bgr, COLOR_HSV2BGR);
    imshow("flow", bgr);