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WHMCS Custom product field on Product profile page

I have looked all over and can't find it in the documentation through developer nor normal documentation, is there somehow or somewhere to allow displaying of all custom fields or X custom fields on a product overview page for the customer?

For instance we sell some products that have special keys in the custom product field for that product, we have added these custom fields to the product once the purchase is done. But how, other than the original email sent to the customer, do I show this to the customer when they view their product details page?

I figure it must be in the template file for product details but I don't know if there is a switch I'm missing to just turn it on or if I have to manually grab it (if it's even there to grab).


  • Well, just uncheck the admin only check then. It will be displayed within the client area-> products and services -> product details. And make sure that clientareaproductdetails.tpl contains something like following :

    {foreach from=$customfields item=customfield}
         {$} : {$customfield.value}