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How do I give the Spinner in Gingerbread the same UI as in ICS

I have a news app which implements

  1. ActionBarSherlock
  2. ViewPagerTabIndicator
  3. PullToRefresh

I want to use Navigation Mode List in the Action Bard Sherlock to switch between news sources, but it seems that the ViewPager with the view pager indicator conflicts with the navigation mode in the ActionBarSherlock; so I added my own spinner (custom view) in the ActionBarSherlock but the problem is that its UI in Gingerbread doesn't look the Same as the UI of the built-in navigation in ActionBarSherlock.

My Question is simply how do I apply the UI of the navigation in ABS to the Spinner ?


  • I don't think there are conflicts of ViewPagerIndicator and ActionBarSherlock, so you should take a look at your project again to see what's the issue.

    To answer the question: Although it is not recommended, you can use ActionBarSherlock's IcsSpinner instead of Spinner to get the same look on Gingerbread devices.