I need to zip a collection of files from different location into one zip, keeping their initial relations. For example, I need only a1 and b2 from the following folder structure
Top -- A -- a1
-- a2
-- B -- b1
and i want the zip file to look like:
Top -- A -- a1
-- B -- b2
How can I do that using AntBuilder? I've tried:
def deploymentFiles = [ "$HOME/Songs/a.tsv", "$HOME/Songs/b.tsv", ]
def ant = new AntBuilder()
def zipFile = new File("deployment_zipFile.zip")
ant.zip( destFile: "${zipFile.getAbsolutePath()}" ) { fileset( dir: "$HOME" ) { deploymentFiles.each {f -> includes: deploymentFiles.join(",") } } }
but this just zipped the entire HOME folder.
Given a directory structure like this:
-- home
|-- Songs
| |-- A
| |-- a1.tsv
| \-- a2.tsv
|-- B
|-- b1.tsv
\-- b2.tsv
Then, this code:
def HOME = 'home'
def deploymentFiles = [ 'Songs/A/a1.tsv', 'Songs/B/b1.tsv' ]
def zipFile = new File("deployment_zipFile.zip")
new AntBuilder().zip( basedir: HOME,
destFile: zipFile.absolutePath,
includes: deploymentFiles.join( ' ' ) )
Creates a zip file which when extracted contains:
unzip ../deployment_zipFile.zip
Archive: ../deployment_zipFile.zip
creating: Songs/
creating: Songs/A/
inflating: Songs/A/a1.tsv
creating: Songs/B/
inflating: Songs/B/b1.tsv