I have two entities with below relationship:
Contact <--> ContactMeta
Here, Contact has one of the relationships as 'contactMeta' and ContactMeta has one of the attributes as 'operation'.
I am firing a fetchRequest on Contact entity. The result type is NSDictionaryResultType.
So I am getting an array of dictionaries, which I am serializing using NSJSONSerialization and sending as JSON request to server.
Now, I am adding "contactMeta.operation" to propertiesToFetch list, so one of the keys in dictionary is "contactMeta.operation".
Problem is- I need to send "operation" as key, in place of "contactMeta.operation", in JSON request.
I have one option- to iterate through each dictionary in the list, adding a key- "operation" with value as value for key "contactMeta.operation", and then removing the key-value for "contactMeta.operation".
But I am not satisfied with this approach and was thinking that in sqlite we can have a query like this:
Select first_name, last_name, contactmeta as operation from contact;
Can we do similar stuff in core data or is there any smart and better way to implement what I am trying to do?
Please suggest.
Your hunch was right, there is another way. NSExpressionDescription is what you are looking for.
NSFetchRequest* request = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:@"Contact"];
[request setResultType:NSDictionaryResultType];
NSExpression *keyPathExpression = [NSExpression expressionForKeyPath:@"contactmeta"];
NSExpressionDescription *expressionDescription = [[NSExpressionDescription alloc] init];
[expressionDescription setName:@"operation"];
[expressionDescription setExpression:keyPathExpression];
[expressionDescription setExpressionResultType:NSUndefinedAttributeType];
[request setPropertiesToFetch:@[@"first_name",@"last_name",expressionDescription]];
NSError* error = nil;
NSArray* rez = [context executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];