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multiple expected identifier or '(' before ':' token when compiling android_npapi.h file

As stated above the android_npapi.h provides multiple errors of the above type at this point:

struct ANPInterface {
    uint32_t    inSize;     // size (in bytes) of this struct

enum ANPLogTypes {
    kError_ANPLogType   = 0,    // error
    kWarning_ANPLogType = 1,    // warning
    kDebug_ANPLogType   = 2     // debug only (informational)
typedef int32_t ANPLogType;

struct ANPLogInterfaceV0 : ANPInterface {
    /** dumps printf messages to the log file
        e.g. interface->log(instance, kWarning_ANPLogType, "value is %d", value);
    void (*log)(ANPLogType, const char format[], ...);

struct ANPBitmapInterfaceV0 : ANPInterface {
    /** Returns true if the specified bitmap format is supported, and if packing
        is non-null, sets it to the packing info for that format.
    bool (*getPixelPacking)(ANPBitmapFormat, ANPPixelPacking* packing);

Starting from the "struct ANPLogInterfaceV0 : ANPInterface" every struct definition containing an inheritance of ANPInterface gives the above error.

For more info on said header file : android_npapi.h


  • Are you trying to compile the code including it as C, or C++? That header uses struct inheritance, which means it needs to be compiled as C++.