I'm very rusty on my regex and have spent about 2 hours trying to do something which should be very simple.
Basically, I want a regex expression that can check a bunch of file names (the end goal being to exclude the ones not relevant - this is for using the FileSearch class in Cassette to exclude unnecessary javascipt files).
The expression I have so far is:
(^.+\.+min.js$) | (^Microsoft.$) | (^.+\.+min.js$) | (^.+vsdoc.js$)
and the text (filename) I am trying to match is
This works in Espresso, but when I actually run it against some .NET code, there is no match:
static void Main(string[] args)
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex reg =
new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"(^.+\.+min.js$) | (^Microsoft.$) | (^.+\.+min.js$) | (^.+vsdoc.js$)", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.None);
if (reg.IsMatch("jquery-ui-i18n.min.js"))
Console.WriteLine("no match");
Are there any regex legends out there who can show me the light!?
I would use
You regex has many faults
(^.+\.+min.js$) | (^Microsoft.$) | (^.+\.+min.js$) | (^.+vsdoc.js$)
- - -
| | |->space would make ^ meaningless unless you use IgnorePatternWhiteSpace option
| |->instead of repeating $ in each group you can keep it outside all the groups
|->^ is not required because you only want to check the end