I'm trying to pass two parameters, one of which is an email address.
routes (also tried (:any))
'user/confirm_request/(:any?)/(:any?)', array(
'uses' => 'user@confirm_request'));
controller (also tried post_confirm_request())
public function get_confirm_request($email, $term)
//do stuff
Ultimately, all I'm trying to do is hit that route and send an email to a user with those two parameters. But I keep getting a 404 error. The email gets encoded and the route looks like this:
I'm able to take out %40 and it works just fine (just gives me an error for the sendmail). Why would the %40 be throwing a 404 error? Could it be a Laravel thing?
One solution would be to pass the email as a url parameter.
First, remove the second argument from the route. (You could also remove both if needed.)
Route::any('user/confirm_request/(:any?)', array('uses' => 'user@confirm_request'));
Then append the email to the action url, something like this..
$url = URL::base() . '/user/confirm_request?email=' . $email;
Then in your controller, you can grab that data.
public function get_confirm_request()
$email = Input::get('email');