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Compile Using MONO - C# with Reference To A C# Library?

I have a C# library (DLL)

//  ProgramLib.cs //
using System;

namespace ProgramLibrary
    public class Lib
        public Lib()
            Console.WriteLine("Lib Created");

And I have the following console program

//  Program.cs //
using System;
using ProgramLibrary;

class MainClass
    public static void Main (string[] args)
        ProgramLibrary.Lib lib = new ProgramLibrary.Lib();

In a linux environment, if both files reside in the same directory

What is the Mono compiler (mcs) command that compiles Program.cs with reference to ProgramLib.cs?


  • First compile ProgramLib to ProgramLib.dll, then reference it:

    $ gmcs -t:library ProgramLib.cs
    $ gmcs -r:ProgramLib.dll Program.cs