Hey i found very nice lib here which helps in implementing the sliding in android. The problem is, using this lib i am able to achive toggling at one side at a time i.e either on left or right.
I want to implement toggling on both sides i.e if i click on left side button i want left view to appear and similarly right view should appear if i click on right button.
I also got one branch from the same author i,e here. In this we have the option to specify at toggle weather to go left or right.
We need to merge these together and use it. but i'm confused like which function to pick even though both have same names & should i overwrite or not?. really confused what to do. any help??
The second one is an older version of the library, you can still specify which sliding mode you want in the current version like this:
SlidingMenu menu = new SlidingMenu(this);
This will set it to a left sliding menu, you can however also specify SlidingMenu.RIGHT
for right or SlidingMenu.LEFT_RIGHT
for both.
So just use the current version.