I have the sourcedata similar to the following denormalized table
DisplayName LogRecordCount LogRecordBytes
----------- -------------- --------------
Mailbox - Low, 459 43756
Mailbox - Low, 1628 185542
Mailbox - Low, 2575 264474
Mailbox - Low, 522 48813
Mailbox - Low, 410 138212
Mailbox - Low, 1057 200043
Mailbox - Freed 3866 2170719
Mailbox - Freed 606 370304
Mailbox - Freed 4137 1939924
Mailbox - Freed 3655 1654650
My goal is to write a summary similar to the following
DisplayName LogRecordCount
----------- --------------
Mailbox - Low, 6651
Mailbox - Freed 12264
The following code is very close to getting what I need, but the "DisplayName" isn't appearing. The value of DisplayName is buried in the result of the Group-Object
$stats | ? {$_.DigestCategory -eq 'LogBytes'} | group MailboxGuid | %{
New-Object psobject -Property @{
MailboxGuid = $_.Name
LogRecordBytes = ($_.Group | Measure-Object LogRecordBytes -Sum).Sum
DisplayName = $_.Group.DisplayName
}| sort-object LogRecordBytes | ft -a DisplayName, MailboxGuid, LogRecordBytes
What is the proper syntax for DisplayName = $_.Group.DisplayName
to display the display name in the results?
Swap out your DisplayName = ..
line with the following:
DisplayName = $_.Group | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DisplayName -Unique
If for some magical reason there are different DisplayName
values in the group, you will get an array like {value1, value2},
but normally it will return a single name only :)