Please, mind the code snippet bellow:
<form:select path="type">
<form:option value="national"><s:message code="holiday-list-type1" /></form:option>
<form:option value="state"><s:message code="holiday-list-type2" /></form:option>
<form:option value="city"><s:message code="holiday-list-type3" /></form:option>
<form:option value="other"><s:message code="holiday-list-type4" /></form:option>
I'd like the value for each <form:option ... />
to have a value defined in the bundle, instead of being hard-coded on the JSP.
How can I do so? Thanks in advance!
I got it working by doing the following:
<form:select path="type">
<form:option value="holiday-list-type1"><s:message code="holiday-list-type1" /></form:option>
<form:option value="holiday-list-type2"><s:message code="holiday-list-type2" /></form:option>
<form:option value="holiday-list-type3"><s:message code="holiday-list-type3" /></form:option>
<form:option value="holiday-list-type4"><s:message code="holiday-list-type4" /></form:option>
This way I persist the value holiday-list-type{1-4} (which is the key to my messages bundle) to the database and the JSP returns the internationalized value.
Hope this helps someone too! :)