I need to find photos on external devices like cameras and mobiles connected as USB pendrive. As I don't want to traverse all disks, I thought of looking for specific folders under root or deeper, e.g. DCIM for cameras and start traverse from there.
For cameras the directory structure is specified in the Design rule for Camera File system (DCF) as always using a DCIM directory at root.
But for different mobile brands I did not find any rules. So can you please help me out and post the directory where your photos are stored in when you're mobile is connected as USB pendrive along with yout mobiles brand?
I'm looking for all major brands, like Nokia, LG, Samsung, Sony Erricson, etc. (IPhone connects as camera under 'camera and scanners', so I need to TWAIN it, but that works...)
Thanks a lot!
Lots of ways to get to the images.
Device specific - Needs lots of hardware to test with. An easily unpalatable app could handle getting new devices supported.
Drive based photos - traverse entire drive makes it future proof, however speed is bad.
TWAIN based photos - not a clue with these