# ANDing Q objects
q_object = Q()
q_object.add(Q(), Q.AND)
# ORing Q objects
q_object = Q()
q_object.add(Q(), Q.OR)
>>> import operator
# create a list of Q objects
>>> mylist = [Q(question__contains='dinner'), Q(question__contains='meal')]
# OR
>>> Poll.objects.filter(reduce(operator.or_, mylist))
[<Poll: what shall I make for dinner>, <Poll: what is your favourite meal?>]
>>> Poll.objects.filter(reduce(operator.and_, mylist))
This technique might be very useful, for building queries for pages with conditional-filters for example, like on eBay.
But this things, as I know - not documented, so what best practices are exist for this matter, which will not be dropped from support, and will not confuse people who will read my code?
And also - is it good solution to use "&" operator with Q() objects? In Django-docs I found nothing about it!
Check the doc
It's fine to use &
or operator.and_
to represent 'AND'
, or shorter:
>>> mylist = [Q(question__contains='dinner'), Q(question__contains='meal')]
>>> Poll.objects.filter(reduce(operator.and_, mylist))
# could be
>>> Poll.objects.filter(*mylist)