I have a bundle (jersey-server) that imports a package (org.objectweb.asm
) with a resolution of optional and no version specified:
Currently, our application is deployed to Apache Karaf (using the Equinox framework), which exports a new version of this package (org.objectweb.asm
), namely version 4.0. The problem I am attempting to solve is that since the jersey-server bundle does not specify a version for the package it is wiring to 4.0. However, the version of jersey-server I am using (1.12) is incompatible with this version. I have a 3.1 version of the package available in the container that I need the jersey-server bundle to wire to.
I have attempted to use a fragment to suit my needs, but it does not appear to be working. I don't fully understand how fragment import-package conflict resolution works in Equinox (or Felix) to know if what I'm trying to do is even possible. Perhaps there is another way?
No, fragments are additive only. I.e. they can add extra imports to their host bundles, but they cannot replace or remove the imports of the host.
The jersey-server
bundle is simply broken and must be fixed.