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Actionbarsherlock with Viewpagerindicator

I have an app that is using Viewpagerindicator. I am using the tabs portion of it. I use a black background and the default blue indicator color. I wanted to add an actionbar to my app so I started using Actionbarsherlock. In order to get my tabs to show an the action bar to show I created my own them which is called in my manifest file. The theme I created is this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<resources xmlns:android="">
<!-- This is our main ActionBarSherlock theme -->
<style name="Theme.Styled" parent="Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar">

<style name="Theme.VPI" parent="Theme.Styled">
      <item name="vpiTitlePageIndicatorStyle">@style/Widget.TitlePageIndicator</item>
      <item name="vpiTabPageIndicatorStyle">@style/Widget.TabPageIndicator</item>
      <item name="vpiTabTextStyle">@style/Widget.TabPageIndicator.Text</item>



When I run the app, I get my blue indicator color but the background of the entire app is white.

Originally I was how this code inside:

<style name="Theme.VPI" parent="Theme.Styled">
   <item name="vpiTabPageIndicatorStyle">@style/CustomTabPageIndicator</item>

That gave me red indicators with a white background. I know the custom tabs are red with a white background and that is why I changed it from CustomTabPageIndicator to Widget.TabPageIndicator. However, I am still getting an all white background.

I have tried to just make my layout have a black background inside of my pageviewer, however when I do that, my buttons become really dark and unreadable.

My main question is to find where I can change the color inside of the Viewpagerindicator theme.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank You.


  • Visit this example; Making ActionBarSherlock and ViewPagerIndicator play nice

    Possible Bug in that example; Android - SupportMapFragment with GoogleMaps API 2.0 giving IllegalArgumentException

    Good Luck..!!