I'm currently using get_meta_tags to get the tags from a variety of websites like this:
<?php $tags = get_meta_tags('http://www.stackoverflow.com/'); ?>
This is the code I'm using to display that information:
<?php echo $tags['description']; ?><br /><br />
<?php echo $tags['keywords']; ?>
Now there are two things I can't figure out how to do:
How do I make it so that <br /><br />
is removed if the meta description doesn't exist? Basically do that there isn't extra lines at the top causing an empty spot.
How can I make the keywords all links to my domain such as
or http://mysite.com/keyword/php-help
This should do the trick:
$tags = get_meta_tags('http://www.ebay.com/');
if(trim($tags['description'])!='') //if description is set and not empty
echo ($tags['description']).'<br /><br />';
echo $tags['keywords'];
$keywordArray = explode(",", $tags['keywords']); //split string with keywords in an array
foreach($keywordArray as $keyword) //for each entry in the array
echo "http://www.mysite.com/".urlencode(trim($keyword)); //echo your URL. Encode the keyword in case special chars are present
Akam gave you the short notation of the if-statement, I personally prefer the long notation.