I am using Codeigniter and Tank Auth and I am using Ubuntu OS. When I access my project using my IP, it comes something like:
I have to implement a functionality of searching a profile using URL. Suppose if I enter
Then it should show my profile. Can anyone tell me how to do it?
I have tried doing this in my routes.php
$route['default_controller'] = "welcome";
$route['auth/login'] = 'auth/login';
$route['auth/register'] = 'auth/register';
$route['auth/logout'] = 'auth/logout';
$route['welcome/profile'] = 'welcome/profile';
$route[':any'] = 'auth/index/$1';
and also made index() in auth.php controller like
function index() {
if ($message = $this->session->flashdata('message')) {
$data['reg_success'] = "You have been registered successfully.";
$reg_success = 1;
redirect('/auth/register', $data);
} else {
You should change:
$route[':any'] = 'auth/index/$1';
$route['(:any)'] = 'auth/index/$1';
to make the $1
can correctly get the segment value.
And you can try this code:
Try this:
function index($username = '') {
if ($message = $this->session->flashdata('message')) {
$data['reg_success'] = "You have been registered successfully.";
$reg_success = 1;
redirect('/auth/register', $data);
} else {