Here is my test divide and conquer program, but it gives me an error. I am heading in the right direction?
public class getSum {
static int sum = 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] numbers = {2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2};
int amount = 0;
amount = sumArray(0,numbers.length,numbers);
public static int sumArray(int first, int last, int[] A){
int index = last - first;
if(index == 1){
return sum;
}else if(index <= 4 && index > 1){
for(int i = first; first < last; i++){
sum += A[i];
return sum;
return (sumArray(first, last / 2, A) + sumArray(last / 2, A.length, A));
Here is the error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError at getSum.sumArray(
I am looking for a simple example of taking an array of 16 and breaking it down to base case 4. I am having trouble completely understanding how to spit the array, then split it again. then combine all the splits in the end.
You can use recursion for divide and conquer. You keep recursing on smaller arrays until you find a match, then climb up the recusion tree.
For example: find if a number is in the array using the recursive function isIn(Number x, Array a)
Boolean isIn(Number x, Array a) {
n = a.size
if n==1 then return a[0]==x
return isIn(x, a[0:n/2]) or isIn(x,a[n/2:n])
You can see how the problem is split into two smaller problems, and so on, until it reaches the stop condition 'n==1' then it starts returning results up the call tree. This is pseudo code, you will have to adapt the concept to the programming language you are using