I am looking to users of django-userena and django-registration (which I think is more popular) to answer this. I have checked out the docs for both and I am still not completely sold on either choice.
Due to the way django handles userprofiles (at least, django < 1.5) I need to know which app is more suitable for my fairly common requirements:
Two types of user models each with different attributes and methods (e.g. Student and Teacher)
@login_required decorators (@teacher_login_required and @student_login_required) and easy access to the Teacher or Student object via request.teacher or request.student
Email login with email activation for Teacher accounts and username login (standard) for Student accounts with email activation not required.
Different urls for teacher accounts and student accounts (signup, login, settings).
For your case I would recommend you to try django-registration since its much more modular and simpler to hack. Django-userena is good but it comes with a full package such as thumbnails which I don't think you will need. In any case you can take a look at a good comparison at https://www.djangopackages.com/grids/g/registration/.