Say, from my original master, I made certain change to it and committed the change at time t1
I then pushed this to github (calling it branchA
). Then I made some other change and committed it at time t2
. I don't want to push this to branchA
, but I want to push it to another branch called branchB
Is it possible to list branchA
as the prerequisite for branchB
so that when I do a pull request, the diff in branchB
does NOT include the changes committed prio to t1
, in other words, the diff in branchB
should only show the diff between branchA
and branchB
offers this option, but I haven't been able to find the similar feature in Github
. (I'm new to git
, so maybe this isn't something they do in Github
That means you have:
Local Repo Upstream (GitHub Repo)
.--.--o--x--y branchA <====> o--o--x branchA
But you want:
.--.--o--x branchA <====> o--o--x branchA
(mast) \
y branchB => you can push now
That means you need first to rebase onto o
what comes after x
) in order to build branchB
locally, before pushing it to your fork.
git checkout branchA
git branch branchB # creates branchB where branchA currently is
git reset --hard origin/branchA # reset branchA to x
git rebase --onto master x branchB