So I have created two shapes( poly's to be exact) and I need to be able to attach them to a single CCSprite/image, and have them stay in the position that I have created them at. Is there any way to do that?
So in short this is what I am trying to achieve.
So my question is really only how can I attach two cpShapes to one image/CCSprite?
I have created my shapes like so:
cpShape *UpperShape = [game.spaceManager addPolyAt:cpv(70,195) mass:STATIC_MASS rotation:0 numPoints:6 points:cpv(2,12), cpv(28,8), cpv(33,0), cpv(36,-10), cpv(-33,-10), cpv(-20,8)];
cpShape *LowerShape = [game.spaceManager addPolyAt:cpv(70,125) mass:STATIC_MASS rotation:0 numPoints:7 points:cpv(34,8), cpv(31,0), cpv(25,-9), cpv(7,-13), cpv(-20,-8), cpv(-30,0), cpv(-35,8)];
P.S I am using spaceManager+chipmunk
Basically, you create a single cpBody, and attach the 2 cpShape's to it. Using ccPhysicsSprite allows you to attach a sprite to a body, which is the result you're trying to get.