I am trying to plot data represented by a bunch of dots connected with lines. However, when I do the plot, I can only see dots being displayed, but I cannot see any lines. I don't know what the problems are. Here is my code, and this is how LineAndMarker plotter is initiated:
public SignalStatsDisplay()
_initialChildrenCount = plotter.Children.Count;
int count = plotter.Children.Count;
//do not remove the initial children
if (count > _initialChildrenCount)
for (int i = count - 1; i >= _initialChildrenCount; i--)
_nColorChannels = 4;
// _lineprofileColor = new Color[4];
// _lineprofileColor[0] = Colors.Transparent;
//_lineprofileColor[1] = Colors.Red;
// _lineprofileColor[2] = Colors.Black;
// _lineprofileColor[3] = Colors.Blue;
LineAndMarker<MarkerPointsGraph> lam = new LineAndMarker<MarkerPointsGraph>();
CirclePointMarker pm = new CirclePointMarker { Size = 5, Fill = Brushes.Red };
if (_nColorChannels > 0) // plotter init
_dataX = new List<int[]>();
_dataY = new List<int[]>();
int[] dataXOneCh = new int[1];
int[] dataYOneCh = new int[1];
dataXOneCh[0] = 0;
dataYOneCh[0] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
_dataX.Add(dataXOneCh); // data x-y mapping init
EnumerableDataSource<int> xOneCh = new EnumerableDataSource<int>(dataXOneCh);
EnumerableDataSource<int> yOneCh = new EnumerableDataSource<int>(dataYOneCh);
xOneCh.SetXMapping(xVal => xVal);
yOneCh.SetXMapping(yVal => yVal);
CompositeDataSource dsOneCh = new CompositeDataSource(xOneCh, yOneCh);
lam = plotter.AddLineGraph(dsOneCh,
(new Pen(Brushes.Green, 2)),
new CirclePointMarker { Size = 5, Fill = Brushes.Yellow },
(new PenDescription("Data")));
and here is how the data of dynamic display is updated:
public void RedrawSignalAnalysisPlot()
int startIndex = _initialChildrenCount;
if ((_nColorChannels > 0) && (_dataX != null) && (_dataY != null))
CompositeDataSource[] dsCh = new CompositeDataSource[_nColorChannels];
//for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // color reset
// {
// ((LineGraph)plotter.Children.ElementAt(startIndex + i)).LinePen = new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent), 1);
// }
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
if (_dataX[i].Length == _dataY[i].Length)
EnumerableDataSource<int> xOneCh = new EnumerableDataSource<int>(_dataX[i]);
xOneCh.SetXMapping(xVal => xVal);
EnumerableDataSource<int> yOneCh = new EnumerableDataSource<int>(_dataY[i]);
yOneCh.SetYMapping(yVal => yVal);
CompositeDataSource ds = new CompositeDataSource(xOneCh, yOneCh);
Action UpdateData = delegate()
((PointsGraphBase)plotter.Children.ElementAt(startIndex + i + 1)).DataSource = ds;
//((CirclePointMarker)plotter.Children.ElementAt(startIndex + i + 1)).Pen = new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green), 1);
this.Dispatcher.Invoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, UpdateData);
Action PlotFitToView = delegate()
this.Dispatcher.Invoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, PlotFitToView);
Basic idea is simple: create the plotter, then only update the data and color. I only see the red dots separated with each other, but I did not see any green, or whatever color lines are connecting those dots. I am confused. Anyone can point out where I did wrong? Thanks a lot.
This is because I did not update line data. Here is the new code:
Action UpdateData = delegate()
((LineGraph)plotter.Children.ElementAt(startIndex + i)).DataSource = ds;
((LineGraph)plotter.Children.ElementAt(startIndex + i)).LinePen = new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green), 1);
((PointsGraphBase)plotter.Children.ElementAt(startIndex + i + 1)).DataSource = ds;
((MarkerPointsGraph)plotter.Children.ElementAt(startIndex + i + 1)).Marker = new CirclePointMarker { Size = 5, Fill = Brushes.Red };
this.Dispatcher.Invoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, UpdateData);
Here you can notice that not only marker data are updated, the line data also need to be updated. There is a DataSource for markers, and there is a DataSource for line. If you designate both sources, and you update both colors, you should be able to see lines and markers both.