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How to calculate space between dicom slices for MPR?

Due to showing MPR view based on Dicoms. I've made a 3D array from series of dicom files. And I show it from Coronal and Sagittal sides.

My 3D array includes: 

 - z = count of dicoms
 - c = column value for every dicoms
 - r = Row value for every dicoms

But I have a problem. When there is some space between slices, image is made by this way doesn't show a correct view. Because I can not think of simulation distance between them!

I don't know how to calculate space between slices? I want to add extra space between slices. for example, If space between slices is 4. I have to add 4 time z inner slices.

I hope to arrive my mean.


  • DICOM has an attribute called Spacing Between Slices (0018, 0088) that gives the distance between two adjacent slices (perpendicular to the image plane) and it also has an attribute called Slice Thickness (0018, 0050) that gives the thickness of the imaged slice (the image plane exists at the center of the slice, with half of the volume above the plane and half below). Image Position (Patient) (0020, 0032) and Image Orientation (Patient) (0020, 0037) are also useful attributes for computing spatial relationships between slices.

    For a more detailed explanation, see section C.7.6.2 of part 3 of the DICOM standard. (p. 409)

    WARNING: Please be aware that different vendors use the same dicom tags for addressing different things. For instance, the attribute Spacing Between Slices (0018, 0088) means two different things depending on the vendor. See this table to have a guide, and this thread for an explanation.