In my rails2.3.11 app/controllers/application_controller.rb
I have this
ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions::rescue_responses["ActionController::RoutingError"] = :not_found
now this feature is deprecated in rails-3.2.11, I am getting this server log
DEPRECATION WARNING: ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions.rescue_responses is deprecated. Please configure your exceptions using a railtie or in your application config instead. (called from ApplicationController at /home/mbussey/demo/app/controllers/application_controller.rb:31)
May be my question is duplicated but I need specific help on How to set ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions::rescue_responses
in rails3.2.11, so I can't get deprecated warning.
Add following line
config.action_dispatch.rescue_responses["ActionController::RoutingError"] = :not_found
or you can
config.action_dispatch.rescue_responses.merge!( 'ActionController::RoutingError' => :not_found)
In config/environments/
env files you should be able to add (production.rb, development.rb or test.rb) or config/application.rb
for all environments
please let me know if this will work for you