I've got a many-to-many association between Color
and Shade
. Color
has many shades and Shades
has many colors.
I've modeled this like so:
class Color {
static hasMany = [shades: Shade]
String name
class Shade {
static belongsTo = Color
static hasMany = [colors: Color]
String name
However, when I run the following code:
new Color(name: "Red").addToShades(new Shade(name: "light")).save()
It only saves record in Color
table and Shade
table but not in Color_Shades
table which is essentially a join table between the two.
Am I doing something wrong? Thats how I understood it from the docs:
I'm not sure why your table isn't populated, but there's an advise of Burt in this talk about the performance using this type of many-to-many. The solution is to use an intermediate class:
class ColorShade implements Serializable {
Color color
Shade shade
//implement hashcode & equals!
//and also implement helpers like removeAll, remove, create and get.
static mapping = {
id composite: ['color','shade']
table 'Color_Shades'
version false
You can see a example class in the Spring Security Core plugin.