I am creating a clone of Merge Wizard of TFS to add new features.
I already merged with workspakce.Merge api. Now I need a way to programatically show the Pending Changes - Conflict Window.
I already have a IVsWindowFrame from PendingChangesExt like:
GetStatus status = sourceExplorer.Workspace.Merge(sourcePath, targetPath, versionFrom, versionTo, LockLevel.None, RecursionType.Full, MergeOptionsEx.None);
IVsWindowFrame frame = pendingChanges.VsWindowFrame;
When I call show(), the Pending Changes Window is refresh with checkout files, but I need to select the last button in this screen (Conflicts), to show the conflicts of Merge.
How could I programatically click on Conflict button on this screen through IVsWindowFrame ?
I found a solution with help of Chad Boles:
public void refreshPendingChanges()
Object customIn = null;
Object customOut = null;
//Show TfsPendingChanges
m_applicationObject.ExecuteCommand("View.TfsPendingChanges", "");
m_applicationObject.Commands.Raise("{FFE1131C-8EA1-4D05-9728-34AD4611BDA9}", 4808, ref customIn, ref customOut);
//Activate Source Explorer
m_applicationObject.DTE.Windows.Item("{99B8FA2F-AB90-4F57-9C32-949F146F1914}").Activate(); //I get this GUID recording a Macro.
//Show Conflicts
Thanks for Chad Boles, that said me about File.TfsResumeConflictResolution !