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imsmanifest.xml should be utf-8 or not (Scorm 1.2)

Should I save imsmanifest.xml in UTF-8 or ANSI ?

ADL test suite 1.2 seem to fail with UTF8 header, but on otherhand some LMSes will fail if its not UTF8.


  • UberAlex is correct. SCORM leaves it up to the XML parser. SCORM merely says that it needs to be valid XML. If you are getting errors with XML parsers, make sure that the tool you are using to edit and save your manifest actually encodes the document using the same encoding that you specify. If you specify that the document is UTF-8, but the editor saves it as ASCII you can run into problems.

    Also of note, in the run-time portion of SCORM, the characters are encoded as ISO 10646 (or, unicode. Since some data in the manifest can feed in to the run-time, ensure that your strings will be compatible with ISO 10646.

    Also, make sure that any URLs, file paths and parameter strings are properly encoded for HTTP use.