I have 20 checkbox in array, not label all checkboxes. And there are 3 dynamic text. All checkbox enabled true. I want, if any checkbox selected, first textfield selected checkbox name write. second and third selected likewise second and third textfiled write. end of 17 checkbox to get a enabled false
import fl.controls.CheckBox;
var arr:Array = [cb1,cb2,cb3,cb4,cb5,cb6,cb7,cb8,cb9,cb10,......]; //20 Checkbox
// how do I find i = selected checkbox in array
function myselect(e:MouseEvent):void{
if (i.selected==true){
yaz.text="Select"+" "+i.name;
}else {yaz.text="";}
As i think you need (document class):
package {
import fl.controls.CheckBox;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import fl.controls.Label;
public class Test extends Sprite {
public var cbBox:Sprite;
public var tfBox:Sprite;
public function Test() {
public function init()
cbBox = new Sprite();
cbBox.x = 10;
tfBox = new Sprite();
tfBox.x = 200;
for (var i:uint=0; i<20; i++)
var cb:CheckBox = new CheckBox();
cb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickHandler);
cb.label = (i + 1).toString();
cb.y = i* 20;
public function onClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (tfBox.numChildren < 3)
var label:Label = new Label();
label.width = 200;
label.height = 20;
label.y = tfBox.numChildren * 20;
label.text = CheckBox(event.target).label;
if (tfBox.numChildren == 3)
for (var i:uint = 0; i< cbBox.numChildren; i++)
var ch:CheckBox = cbBox.getChildAt(i) as CheckBox;
if (!ch.selected) ch.enabled = false;