i have a code segment in my DataBase.Batchable
deleteEvents(accessToken , pageToken,c.CalendarId__c);
and delete event function code is
public static void deleteEvents(String accessToken,String pageToken,String CalendarId){
while(pageToken != null)
{ String re = GCalendarUtil.doApiCall(null,'GET','https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/'+CalendarId+'/events?pageToken='+pageToken,accessToken);
System.debug('next page response is'+ re);
re = re.replaceAll('"end":','"end1":');
re = re.replaceAll('"dateTime":','"dateTime1":');
JSON2Apex1 aa = JSON2Apex1.parse(re);
List<JSON2Apex1.Items> ii = aa.items ;
System.debug('size of ii'+ii.size());
pageToken = aa.nextPageToken ;
List<String> event_id =new List<String>();
if(ii!= null){
for(JSON2Apex1.Items i: ii){
for(String ml: event_id)
System.debug('Hello Worlds'+ml);
for(String s:event_id)
because there were nearly about 180 event thats why i am getting this error but for deleting them i have an option that i create a custom object and a text field (id of event)in it and then create one more Database.Batchable class for deleting them and pass it as a batch of 9 or any other method so that i am able to do more than 100 callouts with in an Database.Batchable interface??
10 is the max. And it doesn't seem like Google's calendar API supports mass delete.
You could try chunking your batch job (the size of list of records passed to each execute()
call). For example something like this:
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc){
return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id FROM Event]); // anything that loops through Events and not say Accounts
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Account> scope){
// your deletes here
Database.executeBatch(new MyBatchClass(), 10); // this will make sure to work on 10 events (or less) at a time
Another option would be to read up about daisy-chaining of batches. In execute you'd be deleting up to 10, in finish()
method you check again if there's still more work to do and you can fire a batch again.
P.S. Don't use hardcoded "10". Use Limits.getCallouts()
and Limits.getLimitCallouts()
so it will automatically update if Salesforce ever increases the limit.
In a trigger you could for example set up 10 @future methods, each with fresh limit of 10 callouts... Still batch sounds like a better idea.