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Multi-row text in heading

I'm working on a complex grid layout, and UltimateGrid is my choice.

I have set a multi-row heading, then I have joined some cells in heading vertically.

Now, I'm looking for a way to set multi-line text in heading cells which I have joined.

Here's an explanatory screenshot.

explanatory screenshot

I already have tried by writing:

void MyCug::OnSetup(){

int rows = 5;
int cols = 20;

// setup rows and columns

// create 3 row top heading


JoinCells (16, -2, 16, -1); // Here I joins - in heading - two cells : row 16, columns -2 and -1


// Then I retrieve merged cell
CUGCell m_cell;
GetCell(16, -2, &m_cell);

// I need to show multi-line content in heading cells: I tried to set multi-row property.
int result = m_cell.SetPropertyFlags(m_cell.GetPropertyFlags() | UGCELL_MULTIROWCELL);

if (result == UG_SUCCESS) {
    bool ok = true;     // all seems to be ok...

m_cell.SetText("string\r\nstring\r\nstring"); // Despite my attempt, this will be always show on a single line!
SetCell(16, -3, &m_cell);


Without success: cell text is always shown on a single line, that is exactly what I don't want.

How can I get the cell text on multiple lines?


  • I tell how I have solved my problem, hoping it will be useful to someone.

    To set multi-line cells, member function CUGCell::SetCellTypeEx() should be used. This function allow you to set extended properties for single cells.

    The example below works perfectly:

    void MyCug::OnSetup(){
    int rows = 5;
    int cols = 20;
    // setup rows and columns
    // create 3 row top heading
    JoinCells (16, -2, 16, -1); // Here i joins - in heading - two cells : row 16, columns -2 and -1
    // I retrieve merged cell
    CUGCell m_cell;
    GetCell(16, -2, &m_cell);
    cell.SetCellTypeEx(UGCT_NORMALMULTILINE); // set multiline cell
    SetCell(16, -3, &m_cell);