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Set of Warnings as Error g++

I want to change the behavior of warnings and errors for my g++ compiler:

  • I want that normal warnings are spotted as errors (-Werror)
  • I want extra warnings to be spotted. (-Wall and -Wextra)

But my problem is that this way, all and extra warning are made errors. Is there a way to achieve what I want without needing to set a long list at -Werror=xxx,xxx,xxx.
Is there some kind of alias for set of errors?


  • If you just give -Werror all warnings become errors. Aside from listing the ones you (don't) want to make into errors as -W(no-)error=xxx, I don't believe there is a way to "make some warnings into errors".

    Of course, one solution might be to compile the code twice - once with -Wall and -Wextra, and once with -Werror, but not -Wall and -Wextra.

    In the long term, I'm sure it will be worth the extra effort of marking which errors you (don't) want -Werror to see as errors [although I'd say the better solution is probably to use -Wno-xxx, to disable any warnings that you deem acceptable, as opposed to "warn but don't make it an error" - after all, the purpose of -Werror in my view is to prevent code from being submitted to a project with warnings in it - and that should mean one of two things: the warning is fixed, or the warning is disabled. Whichever makes sense for that project].