I'm running around in circles about this. Just can't wrap my head around signals and slots.
Just looking for some mechanism that can automatically update my UI when a signal in my C++ occurs.
I have two labels in Qml that have text: _app.method that returns a value.
I have a button that onClicked runs a Q_INVOKABLE method. That method emits a signal when it's done, eg, fetches geocordinates and updates the values that the above text: assignments rely on.
What I want is SOMETHING to update the text: assignments once those values change.
I just need these signals / slots explained plainly. The only examples in documentation seem to assume ONLY QML or C++ but not a mix of both. The sample code have examples, but not explained specifically in documentation.
If you had plain description, im sure I could adapt to it. Eg, 1: define this in QML, 2: define this in hpp file, 3: define these in cpp file.
I've tried using QObject's setPropery("text","value") but my app crashes when attempting this.
Tell me if i'm wrong...
1) in QML:
Button {
id: aButton
text: _app.value
onClicked: {
_app.value = _app.value + 1;
function onValueChanged (val) {
aButton.text = "New value: " + val;
2) in HPP:
Q_PROPERTY(int value READ value WRITE setValue NOTIFY valueChanged)
int value();
void setValue(int i);
void valueChanged(int);
int m_iValue;
3) in CPP:
int class::value()
return m_iValue;
void class::setValue(int i)
// name is same as HPP WRITE Q_PROPERTY statement
m_iValue = i;
emit valueChanged(m_iValue);
So, what happens is that, in QML, the onClick method CONNECTS the signal with a QML Function; which means, now we're listening for a value change, and when it does, that function will be called. THEN, we change the value... since the Q_PROPERTY set the write value to a function called setValue, setValue is called with the new value; internally, m_iValue is changed, and an emit occurs, which tells whoever is listening to valueChanged that there's a new value.
Hey, my QML is listening to that! (via the _app.valueChanged.connect script). So, the QML object (the Button) that was listening to that, has it's onValueChanged function called, with the new value (because of the emit valueChanged(m_iValue).
Please tell me i've figured this out??!?!
If you are using Q_PROPERTY macro, there's no need to bind onValueChanged signal with a function explicitly to change button's text. And also you need not emit valueChanged signal with m_iValue. Make below mentioned changes in corresponding files
Button {
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
id: aButton
text: _app.value
onClicked: {
_app.value = _app.value + 1
void valueChanged();
emit valueChanged();