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JQgrid : Change entire row's font color if one column is filled

I have read some post but I'm still can't follow due to i'm new in jqgrid. I have a jqgrid which have 5 columns, but 1 column is empty for the beginning. After do some update it would be filled.

I want JQgrid change the font color for this row, so if it is filled this row will be change the font color to blue.

colModel :[ 
        {name:'prob_id', index:'prob_id', hidden:true, width:10}, 
        {name:'Serial', index:'Serial',width:80,editable:true,search:true,stype:'text',searchoptions:{sopt:['cn']}},
        {name:'Lotno', index:'Lotno', width:50, editable:true,
        {name:'Detail', index:'Detail', hidden:true,width:70,formatter:myformat}

function myformat ( cellvalue, options, rowObject )
                        if (!empty(cellvalue)){
                        return '<font color="blue">' + cellvalue + '</font>';//or use classes
                        } else{
                        return '<font color="black">' + cellvalue + '</font>';//or use classes

I would like to change the font color for all rows that have a value for the Detail Field

but I get an error:

empty is not defined 


try this way : I'm decided to move the condition to :

function myformat ( cellvalue, options, rowObject )
                        if (cellvalue == "closed"){
                        return '<font color="blue">' + cellvalue + '</font>';//or use classes
                        } else{
                        return '<font color="black">' + cellvalue + '</font>';//or use classes

and it works, but it seems just one column which turn to blue, I want entire row which have condition CLOSED.


  • Try afterInsertRow and setRowData like in the code given below

       afterInsertRow: function(rowid, rowData, rowelem) {
       var detail= rowData['Detail'];
    $(this).jqGrid('setRowData', rowid, false, { color: '#000' });
      }else {
    $(this).jqGrid('setRowData', rowid, false, { color: '#FF0000' });

    Remove gridView:true (afterInsertRow wont work if gridView is true)