So it's my first time actually making a website and hosting it online--most of what I've done has been tutorials and class work. Now a friend and I want to make something professional and maybe evolve into a business.
1.) I want to be planning long-run but am kind of afraid of being committed to something I have rudimentary knowledge of. What do you think about starting with these technologies (CouchDB, Node.js)? The long-run goal is that it will be social networky and use search, hence noSQL. Will be using Linux + RoR. Node.js is still a bit elusive to me though I've read a lot about it.
2.) Do most web hosting services support these technologies or do I have to find specialized hosting services or host them myself?
3.) What about Cloudant and Nodejitsu/CloudOne--should I consider using these? Other suggestions much appreciated.
I would most certainly recommend a well established PAAS provider. Like maybe Heroku or AppFog. They will make sure you only have to worry about developing your next cool app rather than being a sysadmin.
Heroku also supports deployment by git which is nice. Another big advantage is If your application actually kicks off and you need to scale, scaling with these PAAS providers is often as simple as playing with a few sliders!
1 . There are a lot of noSQL databases available MongoDB and CouchDB are pretty good. They have good documentation. But make sure they fit your exact need before choosing either. RoR is again a great framework. Notably used by twitter. And of course leave the actual server administration to PAAS providers!
2. Checkout Heroku or AppFog. Both of them support RoR and are well reputable with good documentation and community available.
3. I would recommend using Node.js if you plan to build an app which handles a lot of concurrent connections. Like a chat app for example this is basically where Node.js shines.
And finally, Don't think too much into what the hip technologies are. Choose what you are familiar and comfortable with. And most importantly choose what fits your exact need.