My first question is basically asking for a code-review. Does the code I'm about to provide use a Factory to promote Polymorphism? Its written in PHP. Here are the basic requirements:
Here is an example of calling the code:
$long_url = '';
$account_id = 1;
$use_this_url = $long_url;
$meta = array(
'account_id' => $account_id,
// 'service_id' => $service_id,
// 'account_id' => $account_id,
$shortener = new Shortener_Factory($long_url, $meta);
if ($shortener->shorten_long_url() AND $shortener->save_short_url())
$use_this_url = $shortener->short_url;
echo $use_this_url;
Here are the classes:
interface ShortenerServiceInterface {
public function save_short_url();
public function shorten_long_url();
abstract class ShortenerServiceAbstract implements ShortenerServiceInterface {
// Url to be shortened
public $long_url = '';
// Long url unique id
public $url_id = 0;
// Service unique id
public $shorturlservice_id = 0;
// Service account unique id
public $shorturlserviceaccount_id = 0;
// Short url service unique API login
public $api_login = '';
// Short url service unique API key
public $api_key = '';
// Short url service unique hash which maps to original url value
public $hash = '';
// Shortened url string
public $short_url = '';
// Attempt to call shortner service three times before failing
public $attempts = 3;
// Shorten long url with specific service API/logic
public function shorten_long_url()
// Can't save a short url when one doesn't exist
if (!$this->long_url OR !$this->api_login OR !$this->api_key) {
log('error', 'ShortenerServiceAbstract::shorten_long_url - no long url to shorten - '.var_export($this, TRUE));
return FALSE;
// Save short url and related meta-data to shorturls table
public function save_short_url()
// Can't save a short url when one doesn't exist
if (!$this->url_id OR !$this->hash OR !$this->shorturlservice_id OR !$this->shorturlserviceaccount_id) {
log('error', 'ShortenerServiceAbstract::save_short_url - no short url to save - '.var_export($this, TRUE));
return FALSE;
// Insert a new short url, or update an existing record
$saved = Shorturl_Model::insert_on_dup_key_update($this->url_id, $this->hash, $this->shorturlservice_id, $this->shorturlserviceaccount_id);
if (!$saved) {
log('error', 'ShortenerServiceAbstract::save_short_url - short url record can not be saved - '.var_export($this, TRUE));
return FALSE;
} else {
return TRUE;
// Bitly, a simple url shortener
// @link
class ShortenerServiceBitly extends ShortenerServiceAbstract {
public function shorten_long_url()
// Make sure we have required members set
$urlencoded = urlencode($this->long_url);
$bitlyurl = ''.$urlencoded.'&login='.$this->api_login.'&apiKey='.$this->api_key.'&history=1';
$attempts = 1;
while ($attempts <= 3) {
$json_result = file_get_contents($bitlyurl);
if ($json_result) {
// Return an assoc array
$json_decode = json_decode($json_result, TRUE);
if (is_array($json_decode) AND isset($json_decode['errorCode']) AND $json_decode['errorCode'] == 0) {
// Don't compare sent URL with returned URL
// Bitly removes invalid poritions of URLs
// The camparison might fail even though the URLs are the "same"
$shortened = current($json_decode['results']);
} else {
log('error', 'ShortenerServiceBitly::shorten_long_url - json decoded - '.var_export($json_decode, TRUE));
} else {
log('error', 'ShortenerServiceBitly::shorten_long_url - http response - '.var_export($json_result, TRUE));
if (isset($shortened)) {
$this->short_url = $shortened['shortUrl'];
$this->hash = $shortened['userHash'];
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
// Shortener Factory
class Shortener_Factory {
// Shortener service account parameter object
// @param object shortener account properties
private $_account;
// Shortener service object created by factory
//@param object shorterner service functions
private $_service;
// Url to be shortened
private $_long_url;
// Set url members, service parameter object and finally the service itself
public function __construct($long_url, $meta=array())
$this->_long_url = $long_url;
// Set shortener service account parameter object
// @param $meta array determine parameters for the current service object
private function _set_account($meta=array())
$s = FALSE;
// Get shorturl service account
if (isset($meta['account_id'])) {
$s = Shorturlserviceaccount_Model::get_by_account_id($meta['account_id']);
} elseif (isset($meta['service_id'])) {
$s = Shorturlserviceaccount_Model::get_by_service_id($meta['service_id']);
// Account not found, lets use default
if (!$s) {
$s = Shorturlserviceaccount_Model::get_default();
// Must have a service to use
if ($s === FALSE) {
log('error', 'Shortener_Core::_set_account - _account not found - '.var_export($this, TRUE));
return FALSE;
} else {
$this->_account = $s;
// Use shortener service account parameter object to set shortener service object
private function _set_service()
switch ($this->_account->name) {
case 'bitly':
$this->_service = new ShortenerServiceBitly;
log('error', 'Shortener_Core::_set_service - _account not set - '.var_export($this, TRUE));
return FALSE;
$this->_service->long_url = $this->_long_url;
$this->_service->shorturlserviceaccount_id = $this->_account->id;
$this->_service->shorturlservice_id = $this->_account->shorturlservice_id;
$this->_service->api_login = $this->_account->api_login;
$this->_service->api_key = $this->_account->api_key;
// Public API for shortener service object methods
public function __call($name, $arguments)
if (!$this->_service) {
log('error', 'Shortener_Core::__call - _service not set - '.var_export($this, TRUE));
return FALSE;
return $this->_service->$name();
// Public API for shortener service object members
public function __get($name)
return ($this->_service->$name) ? $this->_service->$name : NULL;
The job of the factory pattern is to abstract away the creation of objects. The reason this is useful is because the way in which objects are created may not the same as just:
$instance = new Object();
any time you create it. For example if you first need to deal with loading an include file or you need to pick one of a few derived classes based on some parameter that is not known before runtime.
A factory can be as simple as something like:
function getInstance($objectType, $params)
if (!class_exists($objectType)) {
throw new Exception('Bad class');
$instance = new $objectType($params);
return $instance;
Or can be as complex as you like, but these are the basic rules to follow. check out the wikipedia article here for a PHP example