Given a matrix[n,n] I want to find out how many ways we can reach from [0,0] to [n,n] non recursively.
My approach is to
Please not I am not looking for recursive solution. I see such questions in many interview forums and so want to know if this would be the right approach.
Below is the structure of Node and the function
struct Node
public int row;
public int col;
public string path;
public Node(int r, int c, string p)
this.row = r;
this.col = c;
this.path = p;
public static void NextMoveNonRecursive(int max)
int rowPos;
int colPos;
string prevPath = "";
Node next;
while (qu.Count > 0)
Node current = qu.Dequeue();
rowPos = current.row;
colPos = current.col;
prevPath = current.path;
if (rowPos + 1 == max && colPos + 1 == max)
Console.WriteLine("Path = ..." + prevPath);
if (rowPos + 1 < max)
if (prevPath == "")
prevPath = current.path;
prevPath = prevPath + ">" + (rowPos + 1) + "" + (colPos);
next = new Node(rowPos + 1, colPos, prevPath);
prevPath = "";
if (colPos + 1 < max)
if (prevPath == "")
prevPath = current.path;
prevPath = prevPath + ">" + (rowPos) + "" + (colPos+1);
next = new Node(rowPos, colPos+1, prevPath);
prevPath = "";
Given a matrix [n,n], how many ways we can reach from [0,0] to [n,n] by increasing either a col or a row?
(n*2-2) choose (n*2-2)/2
If you can only go down or right (i.e., increase row or col), it seems like a binary proposition -- we can think of 'down' or 'right' as '0' or '1'.
In an nxn matrix, every path following the down/right condition will be n*2-2 in length (for example, in a 3x3 square, paths are always length 4; in a 4x4 square, length 6).
The number of total combinations for 0's and 1's in binary numbers of x digits is 2^x. In this case, our 'x' is n*2-2, but we cannot use all the combinations since the number of 'down's or 'right's cannot exceed n-1. It seems we need all binary combinations that have an equal number of 0's and 1's. And the solution is ... tada:
(n*2-2) choose (n*2-2)/2
In Haskell, you could write the following non-recursive function to list the paths:
import Data.List
mazeWays n = nub $ permutations $ concat $ replicate ((n*2-2) `div` 2) "DR"
if you want the number of paths, then:
length $ mazeWays n