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Sublime parse error default(windows).sublime-keymap:221

When i try to start sublime I get the following error;

Error trying to parse file: Unexpected charachter, expected a comma or closing 
bracket in c:\Users\Victor\AppData\RoaminSublime Text 2\Packages\User\
Default (Windows).sublime-keymap:221.

Sublime isn't starting up, just shows this error. So i don't know how to edit the extra comma or bracket.

I downloaded a fresh copy of sublime but i end up with the same error;sublime doesn't start up that's my handicap.

I have no idea what to do. How can i fix my issue???

here is the bits and piecies i could copy from my uer.sublime-package file. Its realively empty as i installed a fresh copy PK,)>nDefault (Linux).sublime-keymap[ ]

PK,)>nDefault (OSX).sublime-keymap[

PK,)>nDefault (Windows).sublime-keymap[

Preferences.sublime-settings// Settings in here override those in "Default/Preferences.sublime-settings", and
// are overridden in turn by file type specific settings.


  • You should be able to open that file through another editor (such as Notepad++). From there you can edit the file. Note that the keymap file is simply JSON. That error just tells you there was some problem parsing it. If you can post the entire file, we can help you fix it.

    I wouldn't recommend simply deleting the file since, by the line number giving the error, you have a number of keybindings in place. I doubt you wan't to enter all those again.

    Edit: You shouldn't be looking at the sublime-package file, rather in the User directory within Packages